Ihr Suchergebnis

Ihre Suche nach Inhalten mit dem Tag "Fimosis" ergab folgende Treffer:

Fimosis - Theater Antigone (B)

The brothers Jan and Peter are the caretakers of a block of flats. While Jan is exemplary in his care of the flats, Peter is very different to his brother. He prefers to spend his time listening to the strange noises coming through the walls and from the corridors. The brothers are the complete opposite of each another. Jan is a scaredy-cat and holds tightly to the past, Peter on the other hand is a daredevil, addicted to adventure, with his sights firmly fixed on the future. Despite their differences they share one particular similarity: both brothers live in an imaginary world made up of an absurd kind of logic and fanciful dreams. A freely created place in which they find comfort and feel happy. But this place isolates them from the real world…


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