
Words of Welcome from
Dr. Christian Esch

Director of the NRW KULTURsekretariat Wuppertal

 Dr. Christian Esch

The third HALBSTARK: We are happy about the development of this very special festival which was initiated and has been accompanied by the NRW KULTURsekretariat from the start. And the efforts have paid off, as is once again impressively shown by this years programme. In addition to German works, productions from Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Austria will provide suggestions and hints about what children's and youth theatre is capable of accomplishing for the age group 9 to 13.

Emotional involvement and active participation: These are inseparably linked in the experiential spaces of realistic and fantastical theatre. Anyone who has felt these results, especially anyone who has experienced these emotions together with others, in short, anyone who has, at least once been put under the spell of full-blooded theatre, captivated by its engaged makers and performers, anyone who has experienced this will not easily accept anything less. They will now, less than ever, be quickly satisfied by their contact with the ready-for-use goods like the ones found in our everyday lives, whether it be in shopping malls, surfing on the internet or from time to time even in professional class instruction.

Participation and involvement – this connection is crucial whether it be in theatre or in a self-determined life. When this dialogue between the inner and outer worlds continues, then kids will become whole adults. Look, listen, participate and experience: We look forward to and invite all of you to many intense theatre experiences in Münster and the surrounding area.